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One-on-one : 90 minutes

Initial 1:1 Remedial Yoga Consultation or treat someone (or yourself) to a private remedial yoga, shiatsu or wellbeing session $165


One-on-one : 60 minutes

Treat someone (or yourself) to a private remedial yoga, shiatsu or wellbeing session $120

10 Class Pack

10 yoga classes $150
(Valid for 5 weeks, non-transferable)

Kickstart Program


Beginners I Course

$120 (6 week workshop series)

Payment method: Paypal
Paypal is a payment facility that enables secure credit card and bank transfer payments online, without revealing your debit or credit card numbers, or your bank account details. Don't worry... you don't need a PayPal account to pay by credit card.

It's easy! Select your option, then click 'Proceed to Checkout' in the secure pop-up payment window.

Buying a present ? Once you've sorted out what you'd like to give, simply order your gift certificate and we'll post it to you. Is it urgent? Send us an email with your name and message and we can process it for you pronto!